Thursday, January 29, 2015


Goddamn, sorry for the inactivity! I've been insanely busy the past two weeks. I'm just finding a spare moment now to just give some sort of update. My birthday was great! I had a fantastic dinner with friends and I laughed the whole time and we took adorable ass pics. Of course they all stole the Instax shots of all of us as a group, but here's some of mostly me and one of me and one other friend.

Been rockin the middle part since this night. Not everyone is a fan, but, as you can guess, I don't care.

Gotten some complaints about looking too mean in pictures... this is just my face... GOD, MOM!

It was so fun and cute love it 
I got some great gifts from my family and friends that are still coming in! I almost feel bad, like, stop giving me presentssss but like, don't stop giving me presents, you know? I've spent almost every gift card I've gotten on makeup ($7 Korean BB Cream. It's dope.) 

I also ordered some dope new black Doc Martens that will be coming in the mail tomorrow I think, and I'm so excited to start using those in outfits. I have a literal boot addiction. I think I own every type of boot under the sun but honestly it's one of my favorite things about myself. Boot squad 

I'm also super extra excited to be touring The New School and Pace in NYC in February. I had a college meeting the other day and a lot of my teachers think I would love Parson's, and I honestly think they're probably right. It seems amazing, but ah-mazingly expensive, so we'll see if 1) I get in when I apply next fall and 2) If someone gives me 40 to 60K to go. laughing crying emoji till I die

I think we're also going to be checking out the MoMA while we're there, which would be so fun and cool, since I haven't been there in ages. I will be making a very detailed post about the trip probably, as I will want all my killer outfits documented and shared with the world. This city deserves only the best of me tbh. it's like so damn spiritual 

I've been doing some pretty great work in my photography lately, here's some stuff from a recent shoot with my NY travel buddy

I was really inspired by Kate Moss' early work in the 90's when she was just a teenager.
Corrine Day
Although I did that one strung-out weird makeup thing, I kept my model looking natural like Moss in her pictures. 
My model was looking very sweet next to Kate's sass level on 100
I'll try not to go this long without posting again! I seriously just need to bump up my GPA tho just a wee bit so I'm feeling the pressure right now, I didn't mean to I swear. I'll post some outfit shit this weekend because I feel like I'm gonna need to look fresh after a week of hoodies and crappy eyelashes because all I'm doing is reading depressing books for AP Literature and crying 
kisses to my bitches 

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