oh my god, junior year is finally over!
I just took my last exam this morning, and it hasn't really hit me yet that I only have one more year left at high school.
I passed all my exams (not exactly all with flying colors, but hey, the final semester grades are all pretty acceptable!)
I'm officially a senior, and that's also a really crazy thought! All of my good senior friends are graduating and I'm going to cry like a literal child at their graduation. I have no idea what theatre will be like next year without my fav seniors.
I'm really excited for this summer, though. I have a lot of stuff going on, like going to my arts program, making art with photography to get ready for AP Art next year as a senior, and going to Montreal as much as I can, and maybe even Toronto to visit schools there.
I feel really refreshed and relieved that I can finally take a breath and go out and do things that I wanna do. I want to experiment a lot with my photography this summer and try to manipulate my pictures after they've been printed either in the darkroom or digitally by painting or drawing on them. I just feel like this summer is going to be filled with the good kind of busy. The kind where I'll have the choice to fill up this time with learning experiences and expressing myself. This is my last summer where I'll be going back to the same school as all my friends in the fall, and I want to grow as much as I can.
I hope to post here more and use this space to record my adventures along the way of this summer and all of the fun stuff I should be doing with all my best friends and myself.
Summer 2015! (let me have this cliché)